Number one
The sustainable production line of the future comes from Roll-o-Matic.
Our ambition to be a leader in high-end solutions for the production of a wide range of plastic bag and plastic film products also applies when it comes to sustainability. As a workplace, manufacturer, supporter and consultant, we have a focus on the environment that permeates all aspects of our business. Each and every day, we move forward in a greener direction.
Responsibility for the environment and people is an integral part of the way we run our business, and is reflected in our collaboration, product development, product quality, adaptation requirements and level of service.
Long-life solutions. Ready for recycled film. Low energy consumption.
Sustainability is built into
Roll-o-Matic’s solutions

How? The production of equipment and machinery is a resource-intensive process. Developing technology and extending the life of a product not only allows us to use fewer precious metal resources and raw materials – substantially reducing our carbon footprint – but also increases productivity for the benefit of the business.
The UN’s Sustainable Goals are an integral part of the everyday fabric of our business and production at Roll-o-Matic, with special focus on numbers 4, 7, 8 and 12.

Roll-o-Matic is build to last
Use and throw away? Not with Roll-o-Matic. Our production lines are as eco- and people friendly as they can possibly be and they are built to last, year after year.
- Manufactured according to the most stringent environmental requirements
- Latest technology
- Modular concept
- Possibility of adjustment
- Low energy consumption
- Long life
- High operational reliability

A sustainable future
We help our customers to produce more sustainably. Roll-o-Matic’s SMART-solutions allows you to produce in recycled plastic and use thinner films, reducing resource consumption and waste. Your production thus makes a positive contribution to the utilisation and recovery of resources, reducing the carbon footprint and benefiting future generations.
An analysis of Carbon Footprint of Product has been conducted in accordance with DS/EN ISO 14067 standards. It documents the climate impact of the manufacturing, operation, and disposal of Roll-o-Matic’s products. Based on the analysis, we have taken measures to effectively reduce our own climate impact, and we can better advice our customers on how they can reduce theirs.
Danish innovation. Danish values. Worldwide.
Number one
roll-bag and winding solutions

Number one
customer care

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